体验饥饿派画家的逆袭之路!| Experience the life of a starving artist!
Passpartout puts you into the shoes of a French artist trying to navigate the beautifully confusing art scene. Paint and sell your own art to survive your expensive wine and baguette addiction.
特色 | Features
- 随心所欲!开放的画布,画出你的巨作!甚至你也能成为下一个凡高!
- 与自己的主观性抗争!也试着在不失去自己的“艺术完整性”的前提下吸引那些自称是艺术鉴赏家的家伙们!
- 解决你的红酒和法棍账单。你对法棍的上瘾会成为你失败的原因吗?
- 解锁更棒的画廊和顾客!
- 在现场木偶剧院中体验法国的艺术世界!
- 由我们最喜爱的音乐发烧友制作组”Synkronosaurus”为您倾情演绎游戏配乐
- Paint your own masterpieces! Even you can become the next Van Gogh!
- Battle with subjectivity and try to charm a variety of self-proclaimed art connoisseurs without losing your "artistic integrity"!
- Survive your wine and baguette bills. Will your addiction to baguettes be your downfall?
- Unlock fancier galleries and customers!
- Experience the French art world through a living puppet theater!
- Includes an amazing soundtrack by our favourite groovin' dinosaurs Synkronosaurus
Great game, but my painting skill sucks Q3Q